Being The Change He Wishes To See In The World
After more than 40 years as a lawyer, Shelly believes the way to leave a legacy is to pass his expertise and passion on. As co-creator of the Cooperative Divorce concept, and a leader in the Collaborative Divorce movement, Shelly teaches, trains and inspires law and health professionals all over the U.S. and Canada to bring dignity and respect for families into their work.
Shelly is available to law and health professionals and organizations for:
- Lectures
- Speeches
- Classes
- Mentoring
- Collaborative Law court expert witness
He also consults with law firms on a case-by-case basis, if they are in need of collaborative solutions.
Upcoming Speaking Engagement Schedule
Past Speaking Engagements
- September 27, 2018, 2018 Florida Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (FLAFCC) Conference, Workshop 2, I Love My Job; The Search for Professional Satisfaction, Orlando, Florida. Co-presenting with Deboroh Coe Silver, Psy.D., and the Honorable Hugh E. Starnes (retired).
- June 9-10, 2017, Tampa, Florida to The Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals annual conference on Working With High Conflict Persons in a Collaborative Case: Is That Possible?, Part 2. Co-presenting with Deborah C. Silver, Psy.D.
- November 17, 2016, Tampa, Florida to The Tampa Bay Academy of Collaborative Professionals on Working With High Conflict Persons in a Collaborative Case
- November 16, 2016, Sarasota, Florida to The Next Generation Collaborative Law group on Working With High Conflict Persons in a Collaborative Case
- May 21, 2016, Tampa, Florida, Florida Association of Collaborative Professionals annual conference on WORKING WITH HIGH CONFLICT PERSONS IN A COLLABORATIVE CASE
- May 20, 2016, Tampa, Florida, Florida Association of Collaborative Professionals annual conference on COOPERATIVE LAW
- August 12, 2015, Tampa, Florida, on the topic: The Initial consultation with the client: Do’s and Don’ts In Order to Begin a Successful Process. At the Next Generation Collaborative Law group meeting.
- June 25, 2015, Fort Myers, Florida, Association of Family Law Professionals meeting program: DIRTY TRICKS, UNFAIR PRACTICES & OTHER UNDER-INFLATED THINGS; A panel discussion with Bob Schwartz, Esq., Jill Sanders, Ph.D., Bill Haverfield, Esq., Darryll Bauchert, CFP and Shelly Finman, moderator.
- May 16, 2015, Collaborative Family Law Council Conference of Florida, Orlando, Florida. Title of Presentation: Collaborative Law: Not Just Divorce. Co-presented with Robert Merlin, Esq.
- April 23, 2015, Fort Myers, Florida, on the topic: Recognizing and Managing the Challenging Client. At the Paralegal Association of Florida, Inc., Southwest Florida Chapter.
- August 2, 2014, Collaborative Family Law Council Conference, Orlando, Florida, Wyndham Grand Resort, on the topic: How To: A Practical Approach in Dealing With Frequent Adversity as a Collaborative Law Professional.
- May 6, 2014, at the office of Michael Davis and Julie Thompson, Morgan Stanley, Fort Myers, Florida on the topic: Divorce: Planning for the New Beginning.
- Problem-Solving Divorce – Saving Families One At A Time, Gulf Coast Paralegal Association, September 12th, 2013, Edison State College, Fort Myers, Florida
- June 5th, 2013 – Visioning the Future of the Family Court System presentation with Dr. Deborah C. Silver, Psy.D., at the Florida Gulf Coast University to graduate students in mental health counseling and school counselors, for the 10th year. Professor Madelyn L. Isaacs, Ph.D. is the primary class instructor.
- May 17th and 18th, 2013 – Recognizing and Managing the Challenging Client presentation, May 18th from 9:00 to 10:30am AND The Pitfalls in Collaborative Practice presentation, May 18th from 3:15 to 4:45pm, with other distinguished collaborative law colleagues, Sponsored by The Family Law Council of Florida, Inaugural Conference, at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, 2900 Bayport Drive, Tampa, Florida 33607.
- April 25, 2013 – Shelly is moderator for a program at The Association of Family Law Professionals meeting, discussing The Family Resource Center, a not for profit court approved parent time supervision program. Co-presenters are Dr. Deborah C. Silver (Secretary of The FRC Board of Directors), Tina Friedman (Executive Director and parent time supervisor), and Honorable Thomas Corbin, family court judge. Mr. Finman is President of The FRC Board of Directors and founding member and first President of Association of Family Law Professionals.
- March 15th and 16th, 2013 – Be The Best You Can Be Presentation (Part II) with The Honorable (retired) Hugh E. Starnes and Deborah C. Silver, Psychologist. This presentation is for experienced, caring family law professionals, focusing on how we as professionals in family law can help families more through a deeper level of thought in order to have families explore more than just coming to an agreement. This presentation follows one from last year’s conference, a Past President’s forum. Sponsored by The Florida Chapter of AFCC at the Rosen Center Hotel, 9840 International Drive, Orland, Florida 32819.
- March 15th and 16th, 2013 – Parent Arbitration Presentation with Dr. David Kelley, Sponsored by The Florida Chapter of AFCC at the Rosen Center Hotel, 9840 International Drive, Orland, Florida 32819.
- March 4th, 2013 – Presentation on how care givers can help a spouse in transition from marriage at New Hope Presbyterian Church, Fort Myers, Florida, and sponsored by Stephen Ministries (Care Givers Group).
- October 19, 2012 – The Twelfth Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative under direction of the Family Law Advisory Committee (FLAG), Seventh Annual Family Law Conference: Meeting the Needs of Families Through Excellence in Practice: Using Best Practices to Manage Case Obstacles, a 1/2 day skills training co-presented with Hon. (Ret. Sr. )Judge Hugh E. Starnes and Deborah C. Silver, Psy. D., at Lakewood Ranch, Florida.
- August 8, 2012 – Collaborative Divorce Institute of Tampa Bay, in Tampa, Florida on Collaborative Law Basics and Tips for a Better Outcome.
- April 05, 2012 – Co-presenting with Dr. Deborah C. Silver, Psy. D., and David Schultz, CPA, at the meeting of the Collaborative Professionals of Southwest Florida, in Fort Myers, FL on the topic: Advocacy in Collaborative Practice.
- March 30 – 31, 2012 – Ninth Annual Florida Chapter, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (FLAFCC Conference). This event takes place in Tampa, Florida with (ret.) Judge Hugh E. Starnes and Dr. Deborah C. Silver on the topic: Being the Best You Can Be in Your Professional Role in Helping Families. Each presenter will discuss ways each professional can enhance their skills and services to be more effective and competent in helping families.
- March 28, 2012 – Skills Training Presentation to the Charlotte County Family Law Bar Association
- February 23, 2012 – The Anatomy of the Cost of Divorce: A Frank Discussion of Fees. Co-presented by: Shelly Finman, Esq. & Steve Thompson, Esq.
- June 11, 2011, co-presentation with Deborah C. Silver, Psy. D., at Florida Gulf Coast University graduate students in mental health and school counseling on Problem-Solving Divorce.
- July 24, 2010, Fort Myers, FL, Co-presented with the Hon. (Ret) Hugh E. Starnes, Sr., Circuit Judge, on Legal Issues, Parent Coordination Training sponsored by The Association of Family Law Professionals. At this training, Shelly was presented with the prestigious certificate: Lifetime Achievement Award, as the Father of Cooperative Law.
- June 11, 2010, Moderator of the Professional Panel at the AFLP Annual Conference entitled: Dangerous Times, Confessions, and Lessons Learned.
- May 7, 2010, Co-presented with Attorney Steve Thompson and Tricia Spivey to local family law professionals, including judges, lawyers, mental health professionals and accountants.
- Mar 31, 2010, Spoke at Barry Law School to students regarding problem-solving divorce procedures and best practices.
- Mar 12, 2010, Co-presented at Florida Chapter, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), Child Focused Negotiation of Parenting Plan: “Through the Eyes of the Child” with the Hon. Hugh E. Starnes, Retired Circuit Court Judge, Deborah C. Silver, Psy.D., and JoAnne Holt, CPA. The subject was multi-professional family law team approach in helping resolve high conflict issues.
- June 10, 2009, Fort Myers, FL, Florida Gulf Coast University, addressed the Graduate Mental Health Counselors’ class.
- May 29, 2009, New Orleans, LA, at the annual conference of The Association of Family and Conciliation courts (AFCC), presenting Parenting Plans.
- Mar 30, 2009, Orlando, FL, at Barry Law School, addressed the law school class regarding problem-solving divorce procedures and best practices.
- Feb 27, 2009, Tampa, FL, at the annual conference of The Florida Chapter of The Association of Florida and Conciliation Courts (FLAFCC), presenting A Cooperative Skills Workshop.
- August 30, 2008, Orlando, State Dispute Resolution Center Annual Conference; The Parenting Tribunal Panel, co-presented with Dr. Deborah C. Silver, Psy.D
- October 10, 2008, Fort Myers, 20th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida; Cooperative Skills in Family Law with co-presenters Judge Starnes and Dr. Deborah Silver
- November 21, 2008, Vero Beach, 19th Circuit Court of Florida; Cooperative Skills Training to Court & Family Law Professionals in Central East Coast of Florida
- May 30, 2008, Annual Conference of AFCC; Co-court Appointed Guardians Ad Litem in Complex Children’s Issues
- April 18, 2008, Lakeland, FL; Collaborative Law and Problem-Solving Skills
- March 2008, AFLP Meeting Program; The SIEVE Model, Parenting Tribunal Role Playing
- February 2008, Barry Law School; Collaborative Law and Problem-Solving Skills
- December 2007, Annual Florida Circuit of Judges Conference; Use of Co-Guardians and Involvement of Children in Legal Proceedings
- November 2007, Collier County Family Law Forum; Collaborative Law
- November 2007, FLAFCC Annual Conference; Collaborative Law Training and Means to Avoid Impasse During Negotiations
- October 2007, Stetson Law School; Collaborative Law
- May 2007, Annual Conference of AFCC; Cooperative Law
- May 2007, Association of Family Law Professionals; Dealing with Difficult Clients
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Would You Like To Set-up A Speaking Engagement? Contact Shelly.