One of the most contentious aspects of any divorce is linked to the division of martial assets. Money can be a symbol of anything from financial security to compensation for marital contributions and many people are willing to fight tooth-and-nail for what they feel they deserve.
This can lead to a lot of difficult and emotionally-driven discussions about who should get what in a divorce, especially when there is a lot of money at stake. In many cases, these situations turn out to be too complicated or too combative and a decision regarding the division of assets needs to be made in court. However, there are some things people can do when approaching this matter to try and resolve asset division matters on their own.
- Familiarize yourself with Florida property division laws: In this state, we comply with equitable distribution laws. This means that, when left to the courts, property division is handled in a way that is deemed equitable or fair. With this in mind, you may want to rethink a court hearing if you would prefer to have more control over who gets what.
- Be honest: Failing to disclose assets or sources of income during a divorce can create great stress and suspicion, which could jeopardize otherwise civil discussions.
- Consider the big picture: While it is important to express your desires and expectations for what you should receive, you can disrupt asset division discussions by focusing on one aspect or relatively small sum of money. Staying focused on the big picture can help you avoid potentially trivial issues.
- Consult the professionals: If you have significant or sophisticated, complex assets at stake, you may not even know where to begin when it comes to business valuation, property management, taxes and other financial matters. Having the help of financial counselors and other professionals who understand complicated business operations can help you develop and assess a full, accurate financial picture.
It may not be possible to avoid every obstacle or disagreement during these difficult discussions, but if you are determined to pursue a peaceful, collaborative divorce, these tips may help you get off on the right foot. It can also be wise to have the guidance of an attorney comfortable with resolving matters that often arise in high-asset divorces amicably.