The dissolution of a marriage can lead to intense bitterness and acrimony, especially when the couple have considerable assets to divide. Though many couples may have signed a prenuptial agreement in an effort to reduce fighting, individuals caught up in a high asset divorce may still make harsh allegations during court proceedings. Florida residents facing these issues can seek the guidance of experienced family law attorneys.
Recently, the soon-to-be ex-wife of a business owner and political donor filed a brief related to the couple’s divorce which is scheduled for court in the coming days. In her response, she has accused her husband of degrading and humiliating treatment. She has described multiple affairs and other behaviors which may have negatively affected the couple’s minor son. She is seeking child support of an estimated $15,000 per month as well as a settlement of approximately $4 million along with 50 percent of her husband’s property and assets.
In response, the husband’s attorneys are seeking to have the brief dismissed as they state that her claims are irrelevant to the case. They have also argued that her filing was received too late to be considered. Her husband has countered with an offer of approximately $2,100 a month in child support and has offered to pay for the child’s private school tuition.
Both parties have apparently engaged in extramarital affairs, though the wife claimed that she was forced to openly confess to several of the couple’s acquaintances. They purportedly do have a prenuptial contract and the wife’s demands are supposedly in line with the terms of that agreement. Florida residents who are struggling to resolve their own disputes may benefit from the input of an attorney who is experienced in handling a high asset divorce.