In many marriages, one spouse earns more than the other. For this reason, when a couple divorces, the lower-earning spouse may be granted alimony for a set period of time. Florida residents who are worried about their finances after a divorce may qualify for spousal support to help them until they achieve financial stability.
Recently, one man discovered the hard way that his efforts to avoid paying alimony and child support came with a high price. He has been sentenced to serve 78 weeks in a federal prison followed by three years of supervised probation. In addition, he was ordered to make payments on the arrears that he owes in both spousal and child support.
According to the prosecutor’s office, the 54-year-old man attempted to apply for a Social Security card in a new name. He allegedly also hoped to obtain a new driver’s license after receiving the Social Security card. His current license was suspended for non-payment of child support. An investigation conducted after he pleaded guilty to one count of fraud revealed that he received a card in 1976 and a replacement in 1987. He purportedly claimed that he had needed a card due to the fact that he was recently barred from an Amish community in another state.
It is unknown how much he owes in either back alimony or child support, but there is a garnishment order stipulating that an estimated $1,950 be withheld from any benefits the man receives. His attorney has filed an appeal after his request for a reduced sentenced was denied by the federal judge. This particular man went to extremes in an effort to avoid meeting his court-ordered obligations. Florida residents who are struggling with their own court-ordered payments may be able to file a petition for modifications. An experienced attorney may be able to provide assistance in these matters.