No matter how amicable your divorce in Florida is, it can still take a toll on your emotional health. Between splitting assets and separating from someone you are used to seeing every day, there are so many aspects to divorce that many do not consider until they are in the middle of it. WebMD provides a few ways that you can emotionally survive divorce and lead a happy life after your marriage ends.
First, you should seek out a strong support network. You not only need a qualified family law attorney in your corner, but you should fill your life with people who are supportive and understanding. This can even just be one friend you can turn to when you are struggling. Over time, you will likely become more comfortable inviting more people into your support network.
Second, it is time to redefine who you are a single person rather than part of a couple. For many people who have been married for a long time, this can be a frightening idea. Who are you if you are not one half of a whole? This is particularly hard for those who have dedicated most of their time to being a spouse rather than developing their own interests outside the home. This is an ideal time to explore some new hobbies, interests and activities. Not only can you redefine who you are, but you can also let go of some of the grief that comes with divorce.
Finally, it is important to minimize the emotional toll that divorce can take on children if you have them. While some hurt is inevitable, you do not want to criticize the other parent in front of your children. One part of being healthy after a divorce is keeping things as amicable with your ex as you possibly can.
This is for educational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal advice.