The certainly may be times when the circumstances of a divorce case in Fort Myers necessitate the parties involved going to trial to resolve their issues. Yet formal divorce proceedings carried out in court can be costly and can cause a case to drag out much longer than might actually be necessary. It is for this very reason why divorcing couples are encouraged to act amicably towards each other throughout the process (as be open to coming to compromises), as such an attitude might ultimately prove to benefit all involved. Indeed, oftentimes court officials might even openly promote such cooperation.
Such is what occurred in the case of former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. He seemed poised to embark on a bitter dispute with his soon-to-be ex-wife as they worked through proceedings that had already had their fair share of heated moments. However, the judge hearing the case let both sides know that taking it to trial might not be in their best interest, given Giuliani notoriety as well as his current position as the personal attorney for the President of the United States. Thus, the couple worked to put aside their disagreements and have succeeded at settling their case out of court. The lawyer for Giuliani’s wife even indicated that the pair hopes to remain friends going forward.
The swift resolution of a divorce case does not simply make financial sense; it also exacts less of an emotional toll on those involved, making any future cooperation between them more likely to happen. Those who hope to achieve such an outcome may find an experienced attorney a valuable resource to making it happen.