Getting divorced can make people do and say things they never expected thanks to high levels of stress and heated, overwhelming emotions. For instance, you may typically be the kind of person who is level-headed and focused on seeking resolutions through collaboration. However, if you feel threatened or scared about your future, you may jump to conclusions or react in surprising ways.
For instance, we often hear people make comments like, “I’m going to take everything in the divorce,” or “I won’t give you anything,” when people talk about property division or financial support post-divorce. But the fact is you won’t have complete control over such things. You will either need to work through the matter with your ex or leave it up to the courts.
Another misconception about financial support after marriage relates specifically to alimony. Too many people assume alimony is something that is automatically ordered in every divorce. The truth is that it is up to the courts to decide whether to grant alimony or not. It may also be included as a term in a prenuptial agreement but that will need to have been approved by the courts as well.
Further alimony is also not something people typically receive for the rest of their lives. In most cases, if alimony is awarded at all, then it is awarded on a temporary basis. The length of time a person may receive spousal maintenance depends on many factors and reflects the specific reason why someone would need financial support in the wake of a divorce, from making the transition out of marriage to rebuilding a career.
Understanding alimony laws in Florida as well as how they apply (or do not apply) to your individual situation can be crucial in helping you understand your options and know what to expect. Discussing any misconceptions, concerns or questions with your attorney can get you to a place where you can make appropriate decisions and make a plan for the future.