Who doesn't want to save money? For many Florida residents, the prospect of divorce is closely associated with concerns about financial losses. Some couples choose to take a do-it-yourself approach to their divorce, rather than handing over their hard-earned money to...
Prenuptial agreements: Some include more than financial agreement
Some Florida couples decide to make decisions about their marriages before they begin. Some may choose to legally bind the decisions in a prenuptial agreement. Not only do prenuptial agreements allow couples to make financial decisions before a marriage begins, but...
Republican tax plan could cut alimony deduction
Many Florida spouses are carefully watching the progression of the Republican tax plan. There are numerous controversial aspects of the plan, but one that has sparked debate involves the elimination of the alimony tax deduction. That could change the financial...
3 questions to ask before starting a divorce
In your anxiousness to be free of your spouse and make the process as quick as possible, you may want to jump right into a divorce. However, simply knowing you both want a divorce is not enough to begin the process. The approach you take will set the tone not only for...
Proposed tax plan could reduce alimony deduction
As Florida residents debate the recently proposed GOP tax cuts, they may want to take a close look at the provisions within the proposal. One of the ways that Republican lawmakers plan to pay for tax cuts is by eliminating the tax deduction for alimony payments. That...
Collaborative law can be a great fit for Florida families
Many Florida couples are looking for a non-traditional path to ending their marriage. Long gone are the days when divorce followed a very narrow path. Today's couples have many choices when it comes to processing the end of a marriage, including collaborative law....