There has been much discussion concerning the upcoming changes in the tax laws and how they will impact divorce settlements beginning in 2019. The Internal Revenue Code will no longer allow those paying alimony to deduct the payment from their income for tax purposes....
Actress revises request for alimony over shirts
Those who work in the entertainment industry may often feel compelled to maintain a more extravagant lifestyle than those who live more mundane lives. Unfortunately, during a divorce proceeding, there may be more assets and property for these couples to...
What does it mean when a couple grows apart?
The word divorce might make you think of arguments, anger and resentment. Indeed, our culture's view of divorce indicates that it is usually one person's fault, and it is a failure for both parties. Any mature adult who has mutually chosen to separate from a partner...
Wife makes several allegations in high asset divorce filing
The dissolution of a marriage can lead to intense bitterness and acrimony, especially when the couple have considerable assets to divide. Though many couples may have signed a prenuptial agreement in an effort to reduce fighting, individuals caught up in a high asset...
Guitar player reaches property division settlement with ex-wife
The decision to end a marriage is usually only the beginning of the divorce process. Often, disagreements over how to reach a suitable property division settlement prolong the process indefinitely. Florida residents who find themselves embroiled in a contentious...