Deciding what to do with your marital home is an issue you will likely have to resolve in your upcoming divorce. For various reasons, like sentiment or the desire to raise your children in the house they grew up in, you might want to keep the marital home after your...
Depression and approaching the divorce process
For those who struggle with negative emotions such as depression, daily life is a challenge in many ways. Sometimes, finding the energy to get through another work day or take care of other responsibilities is overwhelming. However, those who get a divorce have even...
What to do after your divorce is final
So much changes in your life before, during, and after your divorce that it can be tough to keep up with everything. However, once the court finalizes your divorce and the smoke clears, there are a few things you still need to do. Here are your next steps after the...
Gaining perspective: Should SAHMs get half the marital property?
As an equitable distribution state, Florida divides property equitably during a divorce. What this means is that the judge will consider each spouse’s contribution to the marriage and divvy up assets, money, property and debt accordingly. When both parties work, the...