In many families, pets take on the role as cherished members. For that reason, divorcing couples often consider the fate of a pet as much more than a property division aspect of their settlement. There are many Florida residents who are struggling to...
Prenuptial agreements may help dictate social media usage
For countless decades, engaged couples often used legal contracts that would help ensure that family fortunes would remain intact in the event that the marriage did not survive. Over the past few years, with the ever-increasing influence of social...
Property division and finances can be handled sensibly in divorce
Every family's needs are unique, and each divorce proceeding reflects that. To that end, one issue that may have a significant impact on post-divorce finances is property division. Florida residents who are preparing to divorce may...
Can children voice preference in custody hearings?
One of the most important decisions to make in any divorce case relates to the matter of child custody. One bill introduced in 2017 in Florida offered the presumption of equal time in all child custody plans, but the governor vetoed the bill. As for now, if the couple...
More women are being ordered to pay alimony and child support
In 1960, an estimated 11 percent of households had a woman as the primary wage earner. Even though media sources have often reported on the wage discrepancy between men and women for comparable employment, more women are becoming the primary provider in...