In light of the statistic that nearly half of all marriages will not last, it may be beneficial to consider how a divorce could impact one's life. Though there are many movie examples that portray a divorce as an ugly and sustained battle, the real-life process...
Assessing one’s finances may help reduce property division stress
The end of a marriage is never easy. Along with the emotional upheaval, there is the added stress of worrying how a divorce may harm one's financial well-being. Florida residents who are contemplating filing for divorce may help...
A high asset divorce may lead some to homeownership in the future
A recent study conducted by the Center for Retirement Research seems to suggest that divorced women are more likely to be homeowners. This appears to run counter to previous research that indicated that women did not enjoy financial security after a...
How collaborative divorce protects children
When it comes to divorce, there is no question that it is an emotionally charged and challenging time for everyone involved. However, children, in particular, feel the psychological impact of divorce and its consequences. There are ways you can protect your children...
There are concrete steps that can help ease a high asset divorce
In the typical divorce, one of the most pressing issues is forcing strained resources to cover two households. However, in a high asset divorce, there isn't typically a lack of resources but, rather, no clear plan for how to arrive at an equitable...
Planning and preparation can ease property division in divorce
The exchanging of wedding vows is usually intended to last until death. Unfortunately, with a divorce rate still estimated to be around 50 percent, the odds of a couple eventually divorcing may make planning for such a possibility a prudent...