Many people seek a collaborative divorce in an effort to reduce the time, expense and stress associated with ending a marriage. Collaborative law has another benefit to Florida spouses who share children. The process of negotiating the terms of a divorce through...
What factors can make it easier to get an uncontested divorce?
There is hardly any divorce that does not have difficult emotions attached. After all, if you and your spouse got along all the time, you probably would not be seeking a divorce. Whether you both are divorcing on friendly terms or there is a sense of bitterness and...
Tips for moving through the collaborative law process
For many Florida spouses, the idea of a collaborative divorce is appealing. Some spouses wish to limit their legal fees, while others are hoping to foster a sense of collaboration that will extend into the co-parenting relationship. Regardless of one's reason for...
Should victim pay for abuser’s property division attorney?
The law is sometimes a curious thing, in Florida and elsewhere. Laws are often created to address one problem, yet they end up creating other problems. An example is found in a case in another state in which a woman is being forced to pay for an attorney to represent...
Can tech surveillance help in high asset divorce?
Many Florida spouses are aware that there are numerous technological tools that can be used to gather information on another person. Faced with a high asset divorce, it can be tempting to leverage those tools to gather information about the activities of one's...