For many Florida parents, ending their marriage is a stressful time. Having to come to terms with the end of what was once thought to be a lifetime commitment is hard enough. But factor in the fear of losing parenting time with one’s child or children and the scenario becomes fraught with tension. Child custody battles are among the most contentious legal cases that any attorney will encounter, and many families stagger away from that experience the worse for wear. Collaborative law offers an alternative path toward resolving custody and divorce issues.
The collaborative process begins when both spouses agree that their individual interests would be best served by avoiding a lengthy and bitter legal fight. In addition, parents who pursue collaboration understand that the best interests of their kids are also served by this approach. While each divorce is unique, many people who pursue a collaborative divorce will find it a less expensive experience than a more traditional divorce.
During collaboration, both spouses are assisted by an attorney. That professional is there to advise his or her client and to ensure that the settlement is fair and balanced. Attorneys who are trained in collaboration have tools to help spouses remain focused on their shared goals and work toward mutually agreeable resolutions.
It is important to say that collaborative law is not a good fit for every divorcing couple. However, for those in Florida who are looking for a more amicable split, collaboration can be a great option. It is well worth the time and effort to explore how a collaborative divorce works and to discuss whether this is an approach that will suit the needs of all involved, including shared children.
Source:, “Divorcing with dignity“, Louise Wrege, April 3, 2016