While the decision to marry may be impetuous, filing for divorce requires careful deliberation. The mental picture of the divorce process involves courtrooms and bitter fighting. However, there are various avenues to seeking a divorce, and many Florida residents may find that a collaborative law approach meets their needs.
One option that may prove to be most suitable is the collaborative law divorce. This method allows for each party to be represented by an attorney who will work with the other team members to ensure that the process avoids animosity and as fair to each party as possible. If children are involved, then outside professionals can provide advice as to the best arrangements to meet the family’s needs. If either party cannot come to an agreement, then the process can be halted and another method selected to restart the process.
The last two avenues are an attorney-assisted settlement and the traditional, but costly, litigation process. Both of these will be more expensive, but they may provide the structure needed for some situations. The decision to file for a divorce is never an easy one. However, for those Florida residents who wish to ease some of the emotional stress while arriving at an equitable settlement, a collaborative law divorce may be the most appealing solution.