When couples in Florida divorce and children are involved, they must face a new reality of living in two homes rather than one. Whether the divorce is amicable or tense, most parents want what is best for their kids. One of the hardest things kids often face after a divorce is the reality that they will be living in two different homes. Even if one spouse keeps the marital home, they will not see both parents every day like they are used to. Fortunately, there are things parents can do to make the process easier on their kids.
Parents.com suggests that the child have a say in many aspects of their new home. From paint colors to picking out their own sheets and bedding, making them feel like they have a choice when many things seem out of their control can get them excited for a new home.
Another way to help kids adjust is to keep the new home as familiar as possible. The child should be allowed to have some familiar items in the new home. Whether they are moved from one house to another or extra items are bought to keep them at each house, something as simple as a blanket or familiar toothbrush can soothe their nerves and worries.
Family Education encourages parents to establish a ritual for each time a child arrives to a different home. This provides an emotional connection to the new environment that makes it feel more like home. The ritual can be something as simple as a hug, a high five or a special handshake.
In both households, children should have responsibilities and chores. This allows them to buy into the system and have some ownership in the place they are living. It is easier to make a connection with something they work for.
Simple steps can simplify the lives of both parents and their children. Rather than increase the emotional upheaval that often accompanies divorce, these changes can decrease stress and sadness.