Those searching for a peaceful way to end their marriage often turn to a collaborative divorce. With this alternative to litigation, couples can often agree on divorce issues (children, property, etc.) that once seemed overwhelming.
Once you determine that a collaborative divorce is your solution, you may still need to convince your spouse. Some people remain resistant to ideas or concepts they do not quite understand. How do you get your spouse to seriously consider it?
Explain its benefits
It may turn out that you need only show your spouse how collaborative divorce works in Florida. Describing its many advantages is an ideal way to introduce a reluctant spouse to this process. For example:
- The divorce usually concludes faster than a litigated divorce.
- There are fewer overall divorce expenses than a litigated divorce.
- It promotes cooperation between spouses,
Collaboration usually improves communication and problem-solving skills. These are two critical considerations for those who must still parent together.
Ask them to learn more
Sometimes, only a trained professional can convince a hesitant spouse to consider a collaborative approach to divorce. In such situations, suggest that your spouse seek a qualified legal opinion to address their concerns about this divorce option.
Give them some evidence
Did you know that the state of Florida supports and promotes the collaborative approach to divorce? It even addresses it in the state legal code. Perhaps showing your spouse that collaborative divorce is a recognized legal procedure can convince them to consider it as an option.
Remember to educate yourself, too
You may feel well-informed from your research into collaborative divorce, but don’t forget that family laws can change quickly. Stay informed about all divorce laws, especially while the proceedings are underway.