Introduction to my Fellow Family Law Professionals: I have practiced Family law for over 40 years and truly believe in saving families during divorce. This is just as important as facilitating a divorce for your clients. I helped develop the Cooperative Law process...
Family Law
There Is Life After Divorce Most people feel that divorce is a messy, angry and hurtful process. It doesn't have to be. You and your spouse can work together to divide your lives peaceably, and make decisions that will make your lives and your children's lives much...
How Florida’s real estate laws affect property division
Every state has different laws related to divorce, personal property and real estate. While many rules are similar from one jurisdiction to the next, unique statutes make it difficult for many people to know how to handle large transactions or major changes to their...
Better communication helpful in marriage and collaborative law
Most people assume that a family law attorney is focused on ensuring that his or her client receives the most equitable settlement possible. Though this is the main role of these professionals, there are times when one may work to help couples find healthier ways to...
Collaborative law divorce is one option that may fit many couples
When a marriage is no longer sustainable, the next logical step is to file for a divorce. Depending on the particular circumstances, there is a divorce path that will best meet one's needs. Florida residents have several options, including a collaborative law...
Change in alimony tax laws may cause serious financial pain
There has been much discussion concerning the upcoming changes in the tax laws and how they will impact divorce settlements beginning in 2019. The Internal Revenue Code will no longer allow those paying alimony to deduct the payment from their income for tax purposes....
Collaborative law provides a less adversarial divorce approach
Over the past several years, there has been a change in the way that some couples are seeking to end their marriages. In those situations where the two parties are in agreement that they wish to avoid a prolonged court battle, a collaborative law solution might meet...
Collaborative law worth considering for many divorces
The prospect of seeking a divorce likely comes with visions of protracted court battles and significant expenses. For some couples, there may be another option through collaborative law. While this is not the most common divorce option, it is a viable option for...
Tips for moving through the collaborative law process
For many Florida spouses, the idea of a collaborative divorce is appealing. Some spouses wish to limit their legal fees, while others are hoping to foster a sense of collaboration that will extend into the co-parenting relationship. Regardless of one's reason for...
Alimony laws differ from one state to another
The topic of spousal support is one of the most contentious areas in family law. Many Florida residents feel strongly about the issue, and there are people who stand firmly on one side or the other. The matter has become something of a national conversation, with some...